Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 27: The Cute Little Redheaded Girl

How can they say
"You will mourn and then
you will get on with your life"
when your life
           has been
and what your brain tells you
("she's in a better place,
  free of suffering and pain")
doesn't reach your heart
("but I need her still!"
  it screams)

"Time heals all wounds"
is a fallacy when
the wound
     is an excision
         of the core
              of your world.

Drinking Star of India tea 
from Mary's cup
So the cute little red-headed girl
gathers up all the well-meaning advice
and writes it down
on one of her lists 
and budgets her life
on what she has left

And as the minutes
and the days
and the months

and the years
tick away

She will slowly come to find
that what she has left
is what she is -
the essence of Mary

but with some new subtlety
     added to it:

She offers her own essence
 to the Parfumier
      who is blending the two
in such a way
     that the new result
is a gift from
mother to daughter
a tribute from
daughter to mother,

And the cute little red-headed girl
  will find that
the new, whole fragrance is indeed more
 than the sum of
    its parts

And that what she has left
is enough.


  1. Mary - the one who chose well and sat still, listening to Jesus. Mary - the one who poured out her blended scented essence - perfume of pain - on His feet. Mary - the one who met Him in the garden when full bodily resurrection was still a promise. May the red-headed girl find those moments present yet: quiet listening; overflowing grief transformed by love; amazing wonder of much more to come - for her and everyone.


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