Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

After dinner there were presents, interspersed with moments for private conversation. 

"Blessing kiss": Dad and Bronwyn

With hearts full, we thought of the Creator of the world who, 2100 years ago, could find no place to lay His head; who spoke the world into being but yet had to gestate for nine full months before being born to Mary; who holds the world in His hands, and yet was fully dependent on His mother to care for Him.

And in gratitude we cry out with the song writer: "O come to my heart, Lord Jesus; there is room in my heart for Thee."


  1. My heart shall rejoice - He came to us this Christmas, in many hands and hearts united in giving and gratitude. A Christmas to remember. Love to all!

  2. Dr. Ironside and Karyn, Happy Christmas


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