Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Bunk Bed Project

Many of you, upon reading about the Children of the Tsunami (click here to go back to the account of our visit), asked what we could do to help these children. Specifically, you asked what it would take to be able to get those little ones - and not so little ones - off the thin mats on which they sleep on the floor and into bunk beds.

So I wrote to G.S. Nair, the man who sent some of his students to rescue these 50 children and who set up the orphanage for them; yesterday I received a reply.

One bunk bed costs between Rs. 7,500 and 8,500 (around $200). They would need 25 bunk beds.

Can we raise $5,000 to get these kids some beds?

I was thinking about what I could do personally to help, about where I could find some extra money (what IS that, "extra money"?!) to purchase a bunk bed or two for a couple of these kids who have so very little. Then it came to me that I have a group of men who gather at Nilgiris every Monday morning at 7:00. They always tip me for allowing them to meet in the TH. Why couldn't I put that money toward the project? It wouldn't be too many weeks before I'd have enough $5 bills to turn into a comfortable place for someone to sleep.

Does anyone want to join me in this? If you want to write a cheque, feel free to email me at and I can give you details about how we can get the money to this orphanage; I'm also going to set up a container in the TH for those of you in Trois Lumps who want to throw in a few dollars when you can.

There's nothing in this for you - you can't even get a tax write-off  - but for those kids, it shows them that people know about them, that people care for them.

And in the words of the One who cares for these children more than they will ever know, "Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these My [children], you have done it unto Me."


  1. now that ain't no bunk! . . . count me in!

  2. Will deliver $200. That means $$$ are needed for only 24 more bunks.

  3. We'd love to help too:) I sent an e-mail, so sending your mailing address in that reply would be great:) Have a great day!


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