Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Love Served Here"

Jeanie, Mr. Erickson's daughter, created an electronic memory album of a lunch I was privileged to host for the Ericksons and their close friends the day after Mr. Erickson's funeral.

We served butter chicken curry and chai, of course ...


The title of this post comes from something Jeanie wrote on the back page of the photo album. Thanks, Jeanie, for this beautiful memento.

1 comment:

  1. Works of art can only be given with a free heart to those who know what it is to create works of art themselves, so from Jeanie to Karyn this album is perfect! It reveals the blessing of love and pain shared with another who feels the same way - the rose and its thorn taken together in gratitude. This offering is beautiful, and the best part is, it reflects the beautiful offering that helped to ease that day. Love you both, Jeanie and Karyn. I honour Mr. Erickson. - Bronwyn


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