Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ten Things I Love About You ...

You find the beauty in even the most mundane circumstances

You are hospitable
    You like the same kinds of movies I do!

    You facilitate the changing of lives through your job

      You are resourceful and imaginitive
        Family is important to you
        You seek to honour God
          You are generous with your time, talents and treasures
            Elliot Paul and Oliver Charles!
              You were my first friend ...

              Happy Birthday, Bronwyn Ruth Ironside Spilsbury!

              (All photographs in this entry were taken at Bowness Park on August 17th evening, when the boys and I held Bronwyn's birthday "event". All, save the ice cream one, are courtesy of Cathryn Ironside, who -- happily for all of us! -- joined us for the picnic and s'mores by the fire)

              1 comment:

              1. Darling Karyn! The evening was full of joy in being with my first and always friend. Those very words were in my mind as we stood by the camp fire so I was very glad they were your bottom line as well! Thank you for the best gift of all - love that lasts. The memories of the evening are warm and treasured - as thoughts of you always are. Thank you for remembering me today! I love you - always! Bronwyn - your sister from the start, and from the heart.


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